Did you know that there are no flowers in Green Park because of a cheating King Charles II?
Green Park is one of eight royal parks in the capital. It was established in the 17th century during the reign of King Charles II.

Unlike the rest of London’s royal parks, it is noticeable for its lack of flowers and lakes and only having a few monuments and is mostly grass, trees and pathways – hence the name Green Park.
Legend has it the park was full of flowers in the 17th century and Charles II used to venture from nearby St James’s Palace to pick flowers for his wife Queen Catherine.
However, Charles was famously unfaithful to his wife and fathered at least 14 illegitimate children. It’s been claimed Catherine found out her husband was picking flowers for other women so ordered every flower bed to be removed from the park.
Is this true? Who knows, honestly! But which urban legends or myths from YOUR country are there? Write below, remember to include which country you're from, and practice your english with other members!
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Hi,Aly :) I'm so happy to be a member of this community :) Well, I know another one about England. İt's said that the ghost of Anne Boleyn wanders in Tower of London. For the ones who don't know her. She was the second wife of Henry VIII. She was accused of cheating her husband and executed by beheading.